Thursday, March 5, 2009

Think on These Things

How's the meditation going? For me, it feels like the phrase "God is for us" is exactly what my heart needs to hear.

I came across this tool for meditation: questions that can be asked about the verses that you are meditating on to help direct your thinking.

Philippians 4:8 Questions

What is true about this, or what truth does it exemplify?
What is honorable about this?
What is right about this?
What is pure about this, or how does it exemplify purity?
What is lovely about this?
What is admirable, commendable, or reputation-strengthening about this?
What is excellent about this (i.e. excels others of this kind)?
What is praiseworthy about this?


1 comment:

  1. "God is for us" is resonating with me too. My work situation is making me anxious right now. It helps in those rare moments that I can actually trust that God is for me (job or no). Thanks for posting that helpful meditation tool! g
